Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"game, game, game and again game". also known as "belief systems are clumsy rolling-type creatures". you can also call it "wtf."

This game is actually beyond words, although calling it a game would be unsuitable. It calls itself a "digital game/poem/net artwork hybrid." there are thirteen levels of scribbly flashing graphics, nonsensical poetic quips, and mysterious symbols. Basically, the point of the game is to navigate little hairy wheel through pages of, among other things, spiders, tombstones, portals, rockets, small flashing squares, and blue things. It makes no sense. It's also pretty freaking awesome. If you don't check it out you will live in regret forever.
--The Tripped-Out Gamer.

Aether: Trippy game #1

I was introduced to this game yesterday, when I should have been in Tisha B'Av services. This time was well served. In this game, you basically are a wanderlust-filled young boy who travels about on a monster that he befriends. He flies around on his monster friend through space by latching his tongue onto clouds, crystals, asteroids, and anything else floating around in the atmosphere, going from planet to planet, trying to make it happy.
Yes. It's a little odd. But still awesome in every way possible. You will play it till you win. or your eyes fall out of your head. which ever happens first.


--The Tripped-Out Gamer

Trippy games first...um...what was I talking about again?

Okay, so I tend to spend alot of time on the internet, and that leads to lots of psychedelic trippy time-wasting games.
I have decided to document all of these FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE!!!
look forward to games that hurt your eyes and make no sense. ^_^
-- Tripped-Out Gamer